At the Kerygma Group our desire is to come alongside preachers and provide them resources for their growth through our one-on-one custom coaching program.


Our approach is designed to bring your preaching to another level over the course of twelve (12) coaching sessions. Each session will address a distinct aspect of your preaching and provide you with tools and feedback on how to grow.


Coaching has proven to help leaders achieve goals and sharpen their skills in ways they could not on their own. All around us leaders are utilizing coaching to grow their gifts, yet when it comes to preaching most pastors have never considered how coaching could enhance their ability to preach God's word.


Are you truly growing as a preacher? You and I should be, but without some objective, outside voice to coach us it's tough to truly know. Preaching has many facets, so it's possible to have great skill in some areas and be weak in others. How are you addressing the aspects of your preaching that need growth? Without an intentional plan to address our weaknesses growth as a preacher will remain elusive.